Grant Supports Small Businesses

If you’re a business owner in Morgan City, then this post is for you! You can receive up to $10,000 in costs to repair and improve the exterior of your storefronts. To qualify, businesses are required to pay 25% of the cost of the project and the city will reimburse the remaining 75% of the costs (up to $10,000). The City of Morgan City Business Façade Grant is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act and provides funding for businesses within the city limits.

Supporting small local businesses that make our city thrive is more important than ever and this grant provides support to those who experienced and are still experiencing the negative economic impacts caused by the pandemic.

Check out Micah Thibodaux. He's the owner of Cajun Breakers and will be the recipient of new windows, new hurricane shutters and new signage.

To apply, contact city hall at 985-385-1770.
